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Thursday, May 22, 2008


Guys..some of my future plans that i wud like to share with u all.....wat ya all say abt it..??

Buy the MOON

When they say "Room With a View"... I really mean it (Outer Space House)

My Pet

The best paid maid in the world (Paris Maid!)

'Walking' with my Dog

I just use a diamond glass/cup for my drink

Golf of course

My Security

When people say 'Disposable Income'... I think what they mean is this...

Chanel Pool

It's just a little showoff the line and the stonechips are a nightmare for this solid gold drive

An "excentric", - SOLID GOLD- LAPTOP PIX20. 2G. RAM 5G. 20" LCD. Mousepad and keyboard made of authentic ELEPHANT IVORY. Diamons all around the laptop.

My House and long cars

The Summer House


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